Plugin Trends: January 28, 2021

A big week for Mailchimp for WordPress with a half million new downloads! Certainly the standout plugin of the week. In the pit of despair we see a dearth of bland and generic keywords. Keywords that carry no special meanings and thus no special interest. A whole lot of regression to the mean on these items. Holding steady […]

Plugin Trends: January 21, 2021

And coming out of nowhere this week, straight to the third position we see: “Theme Grill” Somewhat astonishing what Automatic updates will do to your stats when you release new versions multiple times in a single week. Same effect likely seen on “Custom Sidebars“ An interesting observation around the “sticky” keyword too. Seems like a regression to the […]

Plugin Trends: January 14, 2021

A strange week where the big movers all have cornered their own keywords: Cartflows owning the “Sales Funnel” category all by itself and Pagelayer’s “pagelayer” keyword. The big losers this week look like a simple regression to the mean situation. Custom Post Types and other overly general keywords didn’t generate meaningful interest this week.

Plugin Trends: January 07, 2021

There’s something going on with MainWP this week and it looks like an emergency Security Fix. They haven’t been this high in the trend report before and although there is no buzz about it, I suspect there is an unreported vulnerability that just got patched…

Plugin Trends: December 31, 2020

The stand out trend of the week comes from our ecommerce WordPress site admins: they all seem to be struggling with calculating shipping costs. Kind of obvious given the time of year, and the type of year. We also note that there is little concern or interest this week in gathering analytics. It’s too late to tune up […]

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